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02. 24-26 november 2009 Seminar of Saint-Germain-en-Laye.The languagues of the blue . Creativity and Interculturality
Wednesday 2 December 2009
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The project is presented at the mediatheque of Saint Germain-en-Laye in front of a public constituted of plastic artists, educators, professors, elected representatives and researchers.

Aline Rutily, connector of the project and researcher in esthetic and science of the arts presents the theme of the project. The blue talks to us about ancient rites that have contributed, since the Middle-Ages to the european identity through the history of the arts and the cultural rites associated to different european countries: the mosaics of Ravenna in Italy, the frescoes of Giotto at Padova in Italy, the azulejos of Portugal, the dances of the theme of the sea in Faro, the moldavian frescoes of Voronet in Romania, the different blues of the stained glass and illuminated manuscripts in the medieval art of the "île de france", the culture of the pastel in Toulouse, the monochromatic painting of the "bleu Klein" at the Center Georges Pompidou in Paris, to mention only those blues…

Donatella Mazza and Orialla Garavini, responsible of the Academia dell Belle Arti de Ravenna, present the progress of the work made in their city: the lessons proposed on the theme of the color blue to the students of the academia, linked with the ravenna legacy of the mosaics, the dissemination of the project and the mosaic workshops proposed through the "golden night" in october 2010.

Angela Sterpu, Inspectrice of the community programs and of the european integration at the rectorate of Bacan, accompanied by Sava Irena, Constantin Leonte, Nicu-Vasile Aramcemciuc, Constantin Nastac and Raducu Galeru, project the images of the DVD ,illustrating the moldavian blues, that they realized for their learners and for the ones taking part in the seminary, in partnership with the monasteries of Voronet.

Evgueni Beliaev, president of the cultural center Beliaev of Faro, accompanied by Laura Andrade and Natalia Abramoba, dance professors, demonstrate the commitment of the center to associate the project to the International Algarve Dance Festival that will take place in Faro from the 30th of July to the 1st of August 2010.

Aline Rutily, conceiver and responsible of the project, presents the french team representing the association "Paysage et patrimonies sans frontier" presided by Jean Soulier: Monique Malique, Annick Le Caro, Hélène Tallec, Dominique Watrin, Sylvia Druart, Brigitte and Bernard Morvant, Catherine and Philippe Robin, Claudine Guillemin, Roberte and Bernard Capillon, Arlette and Denis Drapeau, Nathalie Frémaux, Mustapha Kairani, Nathalie Redon. The partners are invited to an itinerary of the color blue through the collections of the museum Maurice Denis,the Apothicairerie Royale of Saint-Germain en Laye, of the museum of l’Orangerie and of the Centre Pompidou in Paris.

The itinerary conducts the participants from the blue chapel of the nab painter Maurice Denis to the luminous installations of the international Festival des jadrins of Chaumont sur Loire through the Chambre bleue of Suzanne Valadon, the Nymphéas of Claude Monet, the painted blues of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Michel Larionov, Joan Miro, Henri Matisse, René Magritte, Yves Klein, Lucio Fontana, Simon Hantaï, Pierre Alechinsky, Joan Mitchell… Sadly, the partners have had to be content with photographies instead of the works of the Centre Pompidou because of a strike of the personal that caused it’s momentary closure !

The meeting of Saint-Germain en Laye has given the occasion to precise the organization and monitoring of the different works of the project: web pages, realization of a book, of a show and of a workshop exposition for the learners

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