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accueil site > 45. Archives > 20. International > 02. GRUNDTVIG > 02. The languages of the blue > The stages of the blue > 03. January 16, 2010.First course of the Grundtvig project : immersion in (...)

03. January 16, 2010.First course of the Grundtvig project : immersion in the blues of Water Lilies by Claude Monet at the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris.
Saturday 16 January 2010
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It’s a vast panoramic that spreads on two oval rooms of the museum. Mort than a visual painting, for us it is a true living experience, a total, and physical immersion in the pictorial space.

Everyone wanders in the painting through the taints that palpitate during the walk, in an endless whole, an horizonless and shoreless waterbody. Claude Monet.

In a workshop proposed by Aline Rutily, our notebooks get covered by the words to say blue:

BLEU tendre, lumière diffractée, bleuiment, profondeurs glauques, immersion, touches BLEU vert intense, sur l’eau/sous l’eau, saules pleurant et mêlant les larmes au miroitement de l’eau, forêt nocturne, rideaux d’eau, sérénité et oppression, moire de l’eau, BLEU sérié/ série de BLEUS, transparent, infini, moment, flottement, légèreté, aérien, écoulé, moussu, cotonneux, étiré, vaguelé, accumulé, dégoulinant, flou, mouvant, enchevêtré, multibleu, courbe, vapeur, humidité, reflets, étendue, fouillis de plantes, BLEU rose, mauve vert, frémissant, trépidant, ondes, nébuleux, incessant, éternel, enchantement, immensité, nocturne, pastel, miroir, cascades, tourbillons, palpitant, pleurs, vaporeux, infini, aigue-marine, BLEU paon, cobalt, BLEU barbeau, caeruleum, lapis-lazuli, indigo, turquoise, saphir, azur, outremer, bleuâtre, BLEU cyan, BLEU irisé, tristesse du BLEU, blues, BLEU angoissant, mouvant, vibrant, mobile, abyssal, tourbillonneux, BLEUS fondus des verts aux violets, en griffes, amas, aplats, virgules, silhouettes, zigzags … To see a sample of the visit clic here !

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