accueil site > 45. Archives > 20. International > 02. GRUNDTVIG > 02. The languages of the blue > The stages of the blue > 04. February 6, 2010. Roads of the blue at the National Museum of Modern (...)
Today, our numerous lovers of the color blue meet at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, for a pictorial itinerary through the works chosen by Aline Rutily in the collections of the Musée Nation d’Art Moderne, from "la Chambre bleu" of Suzanne Valadon to the luminous installations A la belle étoile of Pipilotti Rist.
Streams of "blue words" keep flowing upon each and every notebook in the course of the sentences of artists’ readings which (are*) sprinkle(ing*) the journey: If light blue was Music, it would sound like the flute, dark blue would be the cello; darker it would then turn into the double bass’ sumptuous tone. Wassily Kandinsky
I think we can speak here of an alchemy of painting born from the tension of each moment with the matter (the pictorial matter). It is the suggestion of a bath taken in a space wider than infinity. Blue is the invisible that has become visible. Yves Klein
I was once struck by the sight of a blue butterfly, so blue! A blue that pierced my heart. Henri Matisse.
This is the color of my dreams. Joan Miro