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accueil site > 45. Archives > 20. International > 02. GRUNDTVIG > 02. The languages of the blue > The stages of the blue > 04. February 6, 2010. Roads of the blue at the National Museum of Modern (...)

04. February 6, 2010. Roads of the blue at the National Museum of Modern Art Centre Pompidou Paris.
Wednesday 10 February 2010
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Today, our numerous lovers of the color blue meet at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, for a pictorial itinerary through the works chosen by Aline Rutily in the collections of the Musée Nation d’Art Moderne, from "la Chambre bleu" of Suzanne Valadon to the luminous installations A la belle étoile of Pipilotti Rist.

Streams of "blue words" keep flowing upon each and every notebook in the course of the sentences of artists’ readings which (are*) sprinkle(ing*) the journey: If light blue was Music, it would sound like the flute, dark blue would be the cello; darker it would then turn into the double bass’ sumptuous tone. Wassily Kandinsky

I think we can speak here of an alchemy of painting born from the tension of each moment with the matter (the pictorial matter). It is the suggestion of a bath taken in a space wider than infinity. Blue is the invisible that has become visible. Yves Klein

I was once struck by the sight of a blue butterfly, so blue! A blue that pierced my heart. Henri Matisse.

This is the color of my dreams. Joan Miro

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