accueil site > 45. Archives > 20. International > 02. GRUNDTVIG > 02. The languages of the blue > The stages of the blue > 05. March 16, 2010. Conference of Aline Rutily in the Accademia Belle Arti (...)
Aline Rutily, creatror and coordinator of the Grundtvig projet:" Les langages du bleu. Créativité et interculturalité", is also a plastic artist, a researcher in esthetic and Sciences of the arts at the University Paris I Sorbonne and writer of the works Image d’artistes: "Le bleu and Activités autour du bleu" edited by Nathan.
After an introduction made by Donatella Mazza, responsible of the project for Italy, Aline Rutily presents the educative Grundtvig project by defining Les languages du bleu as the articulation of the color with the lexical, in reference to the actual research works of Michel Pastoureau, Director of studies at the university of Paris I Sorbonne.
"Pour les savoirs antiques et médiévaux, la vérité des êtres et des choses doit souvent être cherchée dans les mots qui les désignent plutôt que dans leur réalité biologique ou matérielle". Michel Pastoureau.
If the approach of the project takes part in the current research, it finds its references in the european history of the arts, illustrating a slow ascension of the color blue, from its sacred symbolic in the early christian mosaics of Ravenna to the triumph of the blue in contemporary art.
The conference is followed by a debate with the students and the teachers of the academia. The axes of the work made on the languages of the blue with the teachers and the experts of the team of Ravenna, are then presented by Valentino Montanari, plastic artist and director of the Center Tesselae.
The conference has been closed by the inauguration of the Aula Blu or Blue room, created by Donatella Mazza as a link dedicated to the documentation and to the research on the color blue, entirely carpeted and furnished of the most luminous of the blues