accueil site > 45. Archives > 20. International > 02. GRUNDTVIG > 02. The languages of the blue > The stages of the blue > 06. Lexis of the blue in Ravenna
What are the expectations regardind the Blue project in Ravenna . They are defined startind from an assessment of needs ?
1) in the cultural sphere :
the blue in European Art History
the blue in Heritage as the appropriation of its own identity,
the blue in contemporany art .
2) in the educationnal sphere : Installation of courses and activities in worshop ,
3) in the intercultural sphere : linking the blue project to the others European projects
the Grundtvig educational partnership for adult training called "Breaking the barriers"
the Leonardo project with Sainte Anne of Gosselies BE institute, for a student group learning mosaics .
BLU oltremarino, BLU oltremarino chiaro, BLU cobalto, BLU ciano, BLU di Prussia, BLU d’oriente, BLU pavone, BLU ceruleo, BLU turchese, BLU zaffiro, BLU indaco, pianeta BLU, BLU lapislazzulo, BLU marina, BLU arancio, sangue BLU, profondo BLU, angelo BLU, velluto BLU, bolle BLU, BLU dipinto di blu, BLU jeans, oro BLU, BLU elettrico, BLU annegato, BLU notte, acquamarina, BLU Azzurro, BLU celeste, BLU oltremare, BLU pervinca, BLU miosotide, BLU Azzurrognolo, Bluastro, BLU di Giotto, BLU Mediterraneo, BLU del Mausoleo di Galla Placidia, BLU del Covento di Santa Chiara, BLU della Ceramica Faientina, BLU della tela stampata Romagnola…
The project’s educationnal benefits for the students of the Sainte Anne of Gosselies BEinstitute :
Within the framework of a Leonardo project , 10 Belgium students stayed in Ravenna with theirs teatchers Anne Biot et Maryline Vanespen. A "Blue" worshop was offered to them : each student created a preparatory scketch for the future realisation of a mosaic .