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01. 28-30 october 2009 Seminar of Faro. First international meeting of the Gundtvig project The languages of the blue. Creativity and Interculturality
Saturday 31 October 2009
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One of the main events of the project, this seminary created by Aline Rutily, is the first transnational meeting of the partnership.

It is the occasion for each partner of presenting his structure, country, is target groups and sharing experiences and ideas on the color blue. The color blue is perceived in the variations in it’s meaning, linguistic, visual or gestural features, and in its links with the european history of the arts: workshops of verbal and plastique writing in front of the azulejos covered walls of Faro and Lisbonne, visit of the dance school of the cultural center of Faro directed by Evgueni Beliaev, visit of an azulejos workshop, ship course through the blue "oceans" of the Algarve, guided by Rosària Próspero and Helena Barracosa.

Thanks to the privileged greetings of the partners in the splendid secondary school Joao de Deus of Faro, directed by Fernando Gomes, emphasis is put on the collaborative working tools proposed by the french team: web pages, a virtual exposition, forums, books, interviews… We can communicate with our rumanian partners who haven’t been able to meat with us, or exchange by internet both words and images to "intercomunicate" on the blue.

This first meeting gives the opportunity to the interlocutors to remember the objectives and the methodologies of the project, to write evaluation documents, to manage the absence of our spanish partners by redefining the action plan, the mobilities, the individual duties and to give a positive start to this very promising project.


- Association Paysage et patrimoine sans frontière FR
Aline Rutily Creator and Coordinator of the project , University Paris 1
Monique Malique Formateur patrimoine
Françoise Diaz Formateur Langues

- Comune di Ravenna Accademia delle Belle Arti IT
Donatella Mazza Directrice Service Université et formation supérieure
Oriella Garavini Coordinatrice administrative de l’Accademia delle Belle Arti

- Beliaev Centro Cultural PT
Evgueni Beliaev Président
Rosaria Prospero Vice-Présidente
Laura Andrade Professeur de Danse
Natalia Abramova Professeur de Danse

- Participant "à distance":
Inspectoratul Scolar al Judetean Bacau RO
Angela Sterpu Inspectrice Programmes communautaires et intégration européenne.

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