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The languages of the blue. Creativity and Intercuturality.
Monday 15 August 2011
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A new european project for 2009-2010. The languages of the blue. Creativity and Intercuturality.

In this Grundtvig project, created and coordinated by Aline Rutily for the french association "Paysage et Patrimoine Sans Frontière FR", 4 adult training organisms: rumanian, italian, portuguese and french, gathered in a common will of promulgating the european culture by relying on the singularities of each countries.

This intercultural cooperation has as support the theme of the color blue, of which the languages are articulated differently depending on the countries and their cultures.

The work plan and the methodology of this project have been validated very favorably by the european experts charged with its evaluation: a grade of 100/100 has been attributed to it, with the comment: This project is exemplary and deserves to be supported !

The stages of the project

October 28-30, 2009 First International Meeting of Faro. The languages of the blue. Creativity and interculturality .
November 24-26, 2009 Seminar of Saint-Germain-en-Laye The languages of the blue.Creativity and interculturality.
January 16, 2010.First courses as part of the Grundtvig project: immersion in the blues of Water Lilies by Claude Monet at the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris.
February 6, 2010. Roads of the blue at the National Museum of Modern Art Centre Pompidou Paris.
March 16, 2010. Conference of Aline Rutily in the Accademia Belle Arti Ravenna, Italy The languages of the blue in contemporary art.
May 15, 2010. Lessico del Blu a Ravenna.
June 15, 2010 Blue 2010. How to speak the blue in Romanian? ALBASTRU.
July 30, 2010, Azul, the blue of Faro.
03-09 September 2010 in Bacău, Romania. The 4th International Meeting of the Project ‘The Languages of the Blue’.
08-09 october 2010 The 5 th International meeting of the project "The Languages of the Blue" Ravenna, IT .
The 15th of November 2010. Research on the Blue in the Romanian literature .
December 15, 2010. Ravenna. Italy. Blue Colour and Light in the Mosaics of Ravenna.
January 15, 2011. Bacău. Romania. Researches on the Blue Colour in the Romanian people’s Art.
March 17, 2011. Saint-Germain-en-Laye. France. Blue Workshops.
24-25 june 2011 An international event Saint Germain -en- Laye FR .
6 June 2011 : Intercultural Carpet blue
24-25 June 2011 Saint Germain en-Laye Closing International Symposium The languages of the blue

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