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Paysage et patrimoine

‘OFF CAMERA, an experimental photographic course’ The landscape through a photographic experimentation
lundi 16 juillet 2012
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GIF Subjects involved :
Visual education
Cabinet work

Duration : 7 months
Age of students 15-18


Through this project the students are approaching the subject of photography by the direct manipulation of photographic materials, experimentation of the formal and chromatic variations enacted by light and work in absence of light, where the personal stroke, fantasy and creativity are the common denominator.
This project thus contributes to favouring both one’s creativity and expressive fantasy in a contest of investigation, documentation and knowledge of the landscape heritage.

Projet en collaboration avec l’association Acquamarina de Trieste
Photos Annamaria Castellan
Présidente Associazione Acquamarina


-  to acquire new competences in the field of the observation of all forms of heritage and be able to interpret them by using traditional and experimental expressive means ;
-  to become aware of the importance of a lasting and respectful interaction with the cultural heritage ;
-  to learn the different techniques of representation and documentation of reality in an experimental manner (photography) ;
-  to use tools of our past such as the Pinhole.


SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT ➢ diffusion of the photographic art ➢ understanding of its numerous creative languages ➢ knowledge and experimentation of the photographic techniques ➢ knowledge of the techniques used in the past ➢ knowledge of the recording and expressive potentials of the pinhole ➢ getting back to past photographic techniques


-  To collect and select information
-  To record a moment of observation through the written word, a camera, a video-camera, etc.
-  To be able to work in group
-  To debate and discuss in a rational way.

Materials and products
- Photos and photographic panels
- Educational panels
- Educational exhibition
- Catalogue of the exhibition
- Cardboard models of a pinhole
- Wooden pinhole


First phase
Presentation of Maestro Nino Migliori’s experiences in experimental photography. Theory and practice.

Second phase
Presentation of the photographic technique to be experimented during the course :
-  oxidation
-  light frames
-  frames
-  silhouette
-  pinhole

Third phase
Outdoor activity for documentation
Organization of the workshops for the experimentation of the OFF CAMERA techniques

Fourth phase
Set up of a wooden pinhole

Sixth phase
OFF CAMERA laboratory experiences and outdoor experiences of photo shooting by means of the pinhole in the context of the workshops.
Study on the landscape.

Seventh phase
Dissemination of the experience
Organization of the exhibition ‘OFF CAMERA, an experimental photographic experience’ (Cortina d’Ampezzo 16 April 2011-1 May 2011)
Publication of a catalogue of the exhibition
Publication of educational materials (descriptive panels on the different techniques experienced)



The assessment is structured in three phases.

First phase
-  On-going evaluation and monitoring of the different phases of the project to check its development
-  Evaluation of the progress as related to the objectives

Second phase
Evaluation of the final result as related to the objectives
-  Evaluation of the learning level achieved by the students as related to the subject
-  Evaluation of the grade of knowledge and competencies acquired.

Third phase
-  Evaluation of the operative dynamics of each student and of the group during the different phases
-  Evaluation of the ability of each student to present his/her work or of the group of students
-  Evaluation of the level of awareness acquired by the students at the end of the course.

Polo Val Boite Cortina d’Ampezzo IT
Projet avec la collaboration de l’association Acquamarina de Triest
Photos par Annamaria Castellan
Présidente Association Acquamarina

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