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Paysage et patrimoine

Maintenance gardener team leaders
mardi 17 juillet 2012
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To train team leaders of maintenance gardeners.


- Leading a professional team and enterprising
- Personal motivation and entrepreneurship
- Acquisition of the knowledge necessary to a gardener team leader
- Basic botanical knowledge
- Knowledge of the different plants employed in an ornamental garden today
- Maintenance of an ornamental garden and interventions bookkeeping
- Safety equipment and maintenance of the materials
- Management of the phytosanitary products and their employment


- Addressees : ornamental gardens’ team leaders and horticulturists
- Time : 20 hours



1. The profession of head gardener and its requirements
- The head gardener’s role in the company : hierarchical relationship and with customers
- Relationship with staff and leadership
- Work quality, respect of the timetable and of the directions, and information feedback
- Need for a scheduled programme and bookkeeping
- Planning the maintenance and possible improvements.

2. Basic botanical knowledge
- Morphology of the plants and of the vegetal matter
- Sexual reproduction (flower, fruit, seeds)
- Classification of the vegetal species

3. Knowledge of the most common plants for a landscape garden
- Appearance of the plant and its employment in relationship with the other plants
- How does the plant react in a specific environment ?

4. Growth, maintenance and reproduction of the ornamental plants
- Reproduction : sowing, taking of cuttings, layering and grafting
- How to plant bulbs and rhizomes
- Planting and transplanting
- Maintenance : trimming, pruning, etc.

5. Watering and irrigation
- To learn how plants shed water
- To discover the circulation of water in the plants
- Determination of water and nutrients need, necessary to the life of plants
- Automatic watering (installation, monitoring and maintenance)
- Rainwater recovery and use

6. Composting

7. Individual and collective security equipment

8. Gardening materials
- Maintenance of gardening materials
- Safety rules on their employment.


- Alternation of theory and practice on the field
- Group work to favour cohesion and sharing
- Working on the field in real situations with the materials and the products currently used.

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