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Paysage et patrimoine

Restoration of cultural heritage and landscape : the watermills in the Braies Valley, Cortina d’Ampezzo, IT
mercredi 18 juillet 2012
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Renovation of a watermill located on the Stolla stream in Braies Valley (Bolzano)

The recovery of the building implies its new role as :
- Electricity production installation
- Centre of educational documentation in the reemployment of a part of the building.

The project will be carried out on these bases :
- A study of the landscape in order to fit the building in its natural environment
- Graphic and photographic survey

Suggestions will be given as regards the conversion and the possibility to transform it into an electric installation.

- Build-up of a methodological way to study the landscape
- Systematic research for the resources
- Approach to the notions of restoration
- Technical research on the electric mills
- Contacts with a sector company
- Reflections on the durable development : the reemployment of a watermill.



Study of the landscape
- Historical, natural and cultural values of the landscape
- Aesthetic value of the landscape
- Identity value of the landscape in the area where it stands

Recovery project
- Steps :
- Functional recovery : reemployment of the watermills for the production of electricity
- Architectural recovery : hypothesis of conversion
- Materials : re-utilisation of existing materials and integration of the new ones
- Hypothesis of installing an electric utility :
- Research for the materials and technical indications
- Visit to a sector industry
- New function
- Realization of a small centre of Environmental Documentation about the surrounding landscape (an example : the educational itinerary already present in the area of the Maite springs).

- Choice of the subject and schedule of the work
- Meeting to debate about the project
- Critical analysis of the materials produced by the students
- Analysis of the documents’ origin
- Selection of the documents
- Development process of the recovery and reemployment
- Composition of the presentation CD on all the project steps
- Set up of a slideshow with the highlights of the project
- Presentation of the project

- Presentation CD and slides
- Photos and video
- Cartography
- Mapping and graphic study
- Study material on the landscape

The evaluation regards three main steps

First step
- Monitoring and evaluation of the work step by step in order to check its development
- Evaluation of the progress in relation to the objectives

Second step
- Evaluation of the final results as related to the objectives
- Evaluation of the learning level achieved by the students as related to the themes proposed
- Evaluation of the knowledge and competences acquired

Third step
- Evaluation of each student’s and the workgroups’ operational process
- Evaluation of the ability to present one’s own and the group’s work
- Evaluation of the awareness achieved at the end of the experience.

Istituto Polo Valboite – Cortina d’Ampezzo, IT

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