Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 11. Erasmus+ Partnership > 40. Dissemination > Bacau RO, October 12, 2017. Dissemination of the Erasmus + project (...)

Paysage et patrimoine

Bacau RO, October 12, 2017. Dissemination of the Erasmus + project "Chemins du bleu en Europe" at the town hall
jeudi 12 octobre 2017
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In the reception hall of Bacau City Hall, the project is jointly presented by Angela Ginta, coordinator for the Colegiul Tehnic de Comunicatii "Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen", and Angela Sterpu, President of the association Accentul Circumflex.
The invited public is made up of representatives of the town hall, adult education associations, teachers and the school inspectorate.

The project is described, as well as its activities to be carried out, and the expected role of the two Romanian teams, in particular the organization of a Transnational Meeting in Bacau-Voronet in November.

See the article in the Accentul Circumflex website

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