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Paysage et patrimoine

093. 13 - Creating a pedagogical vegetable garden at school
samedi 8 septembre 2018
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To create a pedagogical vegetable garden in the school as a vehicle to develop the active learning of key and transversal competences of pupils with difficulties

This pedagogical tool has been drafted and experimented at Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de Deus to develop the digital skills of pupils with weak results from the primary school. Similarly, it was examined and experimented by the European teachers participating in the peer-to-peer Erasmus training mobility in Saint-Germain-en-Laye from 4 to 8 June 2018

- Oral and written communication in the mother tongue
- Maths and Sciences basic skills
- Learning to learn
- Social and civic competences/entrepreneurship

- To motivate the pupils as regards Maths through the development of a plan of a garden
- To motivate the pupils as regards Sciences through the observation of the germination and growth of plants
- To empower the pupils as regards their tasks linked to the cultivation of the garden
- To apply the techniques of biologic agriculture
- To develop ecological awareness

Gardens of Faro

- Products for the garden : earth, organic fertilizer, seeds
- Tools : shovel, rakes, hoe, irrigation

1.Individually and then collectively, to choose the area of the school where the garden will be located. Written text explaining personal choices to be orally presented to the class,
2.To discover bio agriculture, its ecological importance, through examples from Portugal and the rest of the world
3.To draft or employ the plan of the area in order to draw up the mass lay-out of the garden
- To utilize the scale
- To calculate and delineate the areas of the vegetable plots and the length of the paths
- To select the plants by consulting a catalogue or visiting greenhouses
4 To till the ground, move the earth, add fertilizer
5 To plant the seeds and/or plants
6 To organize and distribute the tasks for the cultivation of the garden : irrigation, manual weeding, observation and incremental progress of the plantations

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- Development of scientific, pedagogical and technological segments around the cultivation of the garden :
- tracking the growth of the plants and of the presence of animals in the garden using written text, sketches, photos with captions, research, etc.
- the collection of the vegetables, their alimentary use . The selling of the products whose income will help the continuation of the cultivation

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It takes into account the following competences :

- Oral and written communication in the mother tongue. Debating, writing, reading specific texts, describing pictures and scientific sketches by using the adequate language

- Development of basic skills in Maths. Carrying out area and length measurements, conversions, using the scale to draw plans, building geometrical tracks

- Development of basic skills in Sciences. >use writing, photographing, drawing, to observe and identify the different species of plants and animals in the garden >internalize, monetize the beneficial effects of bio and durable cultivation >take consciousness of the need to respect and protect nature thanks to this newly-developed relationship

- Development of social and civic competences. Developing autonomy and entrepreneurship through the realization of individual projects and the predisposition to cooperation and team work.

Maria da Piedade Sebastiao
Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de Deus, faro, Portugal

Rosaria Prospero
Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de Deus, faro, Portugal

Mary Gino
Association Acquamarina, Trieste, Italie

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