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Paysage et patrimoine

094. 14 - To create an interactive virtual garden employing the multimedia device ’Kinect’
vendredi 7 septembre 2018
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To motivate the learning of digital competences of pupils in difficulty by employing the ’Kinect’ device to build up a poetic, interactive, multimedia application inspired to the garden.

This methodology was experimented in the garden of Versailles and Saint-Germain-en-Laye (France) with European teachers on the occasion of a training mobility providing a peer-to-peer course in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France, from June 4 to 8 2018. The application was exhibited during the Exposition of the works realised by the teachers in Saint-Germain. This pedagogical card has been experimented by the students of the secondary High School Agrupemento de Escolas Joao de Deus, Faro, Portugal.

- Communication in the mother tongue
- Social competences and citizenship
- Humanist culture and expression of sensitivity
- ICT competences
- Learning to learn
- Communication in foreign language


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- To enhance the artistic creativity using digital technologies
- To encourage the artistic production
- To explore the programming and use of data processing sensors
- To educate to view the garden as a vehicle to encourage the reading of poetry
- To motivate the students to implement new areas of knowledge

GARDENS EXPLORED Gardens of Versailles Gardens of Faro where the students are invited to collect images and sounds

- Computer
- Device Kinect
- Software of ntegrated development (IDE) – Processing


1.Upload the Kinect device on the computer

2.Upload the software (IDE) on the computer
Upload the controller of the device and the IDE software

3.Collect images and sounds for the application and select the text
Upload the controller of the device and the IDE software

4.Programme the application To create the application it is necessary to have some basic knowledge of data processing, particularly of the instructions of decision and repetition

5.Test the application
The phase of testing is important to correct possible errors and settle up the use of the application

It takes into account the ability to :

Master the mother tongue as regards oral and written communication to communicate the project

Develop awareness and cultural expression
- To master the multimedia language
- To expand the repertoire of graphic techniques, reuse them, expand your own coultural knowledge

Learning to learn
To activate the sequence of actions related to the project

Development of digital skills
- To master new competences by using new technologies
- To comprehend the creative process of a data processing application
- To apply software concepts

Communication in foreign language
Learn to :
- read and use a software developed in English
- use and write instructions written in English

Antonio Rui
Agrupamento des Escolas Joao de Deus, faro, Portugal

- Rosaria Prosero
Agrupamento des Escolas Joao de Deus, faro, Portugal

Mary Gino
Association Acquamarina, Trieste, Italie

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