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Paysage et patrimoine

0995. 23 - To create an artistic mural work for a dream garden
samedi 15 septembre 2018
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To realize a mural starting from personal pictures taken in a garden to create, by means of a collage, a large composition on one of the walls in the school.
This collective activity has been conceived as a salute to the garden of the school before its loss due to renovating works. Though the artistic aspect is prevalent, this group work falls within a cross-curricular approach favourable to the inclusion of students with learning difficulties and to the learning of key and transversal competences.

High school students who have chosen the optional learning of Visual and Audiovisual Arts. This activity has been the subject of
- a presentation before the members of the second transnational meeting of the supervision committee of the present Erasmus project which took place at the University of Granada from 12 to 15 April 2018
- an exhibition at the University of Granada, from 16 to 20 October 2018, within the activities related to the third training and learning mobility of the project

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- Communication in the mother tongue
- Learning to learn
- Social competences and citizenship
- Humanist culture and expression of sensitivity
- ICT competences

- To use the garden to develop creativity, imagination and artistic expression
- To learn to work as a team to realise an artistic project, outlining organization, steps and self-evaluation.
- To learn to be part of a project and ensure one’s own responsibility of part of its realization
- To develop a cross-curricular approach to the garden based on the connections among mother tongue, arts and sciences

GARDENS EXPLORED The garden of IES Escultor Sanchez Mesa de Otura (Granada)

- Computer, tablet, camera, mobile
- Colour printing of the photos taken by the learners
- Scissors and glue

Beforehand : to collect excerpts from literary and poetic texts, little stories around the garden and copy them down on a notebook

To walk through the garden holding your notebook. Observe and take note of what you like seeing, enrich the notes with information and accounts about the plants observed

Closely to observe plants and flowers chosen and take pictures Work on and trim the images on the computer. Take note of the information and captions related to the images on your notebook

To colour print the photos

To cut and past the photos to compose the dream garden on one of the inner walls of the educational centre
- The flowers are cut considering the space where they will be glued
- After being selected, the rest of the photos will fill up the lower part of the composition
To be aware of the importance of this homage to the real garden whose realization was the result of many years of efforts. The artistic composition highlights the fragility of the garden which can be deleted in a few minutes, and the need to protect nature.

It takes into account the ability to :
Communicate orally and in writing in the mother tongue
- To correct use of the oral and written language
- To produce a personal notebook of the garden / carnet du jardin
- To express ideas, information, opinions

Develop competences addressed to awareness and cultural expression
- Through art and culture, to develop personal enrichment and the capacity to express one’s own relationship to nature
- To use artistic creativity as a means of personal expression
- To practise visual arts in a real context using tools such as the photography
- To be able to adjust to a specific subject, environment in order to develop one’s own creativity. Use an event, current positive or negative situations as means of personal expression.
- To use accurate observations of the plant world as a vehicle to the artistic creation.

Develop digital competences
- To use ICT in a creative way (see image work)
- To focused research on the Internet

Learning to learn
Learn how to realize an artistic project, outline its organization and phases, and self-evaluate

Develop social and civic competences. Practise team work, get involved, ensure your own part of responsibility.

Maria del Carmen Casa Ubeda, Visual Artist. Teacher of Visual Arts and audiovisuals.
IES Escultor Sanchez Mesa de Otura (Granada) educational centre connected with the pedagogical team of Granada coordinated by the Botanical Garden of the University of Granada, Spain

Mary Gino
Association Acquamarina, Trieste, Italie

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