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Paysage et patrimoine

In the vegetable garden :« vegetable-ish » shapes
samedi 29 novembre 2008
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To create « vegetable shapes » cut out from the observation of vegetable from the garden.


- To develop the sense of observation
- To uses one’s senses (sight, touch) in a reasoned manner
- To enrich one’s technical repertory


- Using an appropriate vocabulary
- Creating a stencil plate
- Symbolising a two-dimension shape


- vegetables (brought by the children)
- scissors
- bristol board paper (A3 size)


- Gouache collage cut outs by Matisse
- Paintings by Patrick Lipski.


- Observe the vegetables laid out side by side. Find a classification according to their shapes.
- Justify the classification : use the appropriate vocabulary (round, swollen, long…)
- With eyes closed, explore the textures, the tactile qualities of the vegetable.
- Translate the textures into drawings.


- Present a reproduction of the gouache collage cut outs by Henri Matisse.
- Observe that the painter cuts out the vegetal shapes which he composes in his collages, in colour itself.
- Create a stencil plate : cut out with no preliminary drawing shapes of vegetables from the paper..
- Work on other « shape-colour » relations from the works by Patrick Lipski.


It will check the pupils ability to

- Make a list of and carry out criteria for the representation of vegetables.
- Identify Henri Matisse’s artistic process, to recognize it in other works from the same period.


These activities may be transposed for any age

Françoise Jon, Nathalie Redon. Les Violettes,Primary school, Mareil-Marly Yvelines, FR.

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