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Paysage et patrimoine

Land-art workshops “The leaf " ?
lundi 13 octobre 2008
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Land-art workshops “The leaf ?

- To educate pupils in aesthetic senses and the pleasure of beauty ;
- To recognise lines, colours, shapes, volume and compositional structure present in the language of images and in works of art through a ‘hands-on’ approach ;
- To explore material, manipulate, interpret and create first artistic experiences ;
- To express sensations, emotions, thoughts through various types of production (graphic, plastic, multimedia, etc.), using suitable materials and techniques and integrating different languages.


- To discover the landscape through activities of perception and artistic production, using images and varied objects.
- To recognise the main elements of our cultural, artistic and environmental patrimony of out territory and sensitise pupils to the problems involved in protecting and preserving it.
- To explore available materials and use them creatively.
- To carry out a personal, creative project, applying the rules of visual language, using different materials and techniques, integrating also various media and expressive ciphers.
- To formulate plans of action, individually and in groups, carefully choosing materials and tools in relation to the project to be carried out.

- Sheets of paper for wrapping parcels, cuttings from illustrated journals and daily newspapers, natural elements (leaves, seeds, etc.), glue, brushes ;
- The use of digital cameras and software for multimedial documentation.



- Landscape through the works of art of Umbrian artists, e.g. Il Perugino, and futurist painters.
- Galleria dell’Umbria : Il Perugino and the landscape.
- The "Garden Carpet" by Aline Rutily, visual artist, expert in teacher training of Umbria. Carpets-gardens are behind the idea of large sheets “installations ? on the ground, as carpets.
- Painting exhibition “Aerial views of Trasimeno ? by G. Dottori.


- Visit to the art exhibition
- Projection of works and readings about constitutional elements : lines, colours, shapes, elements of prospective
- Individual multicoloured compositions ;
- Completion of a common project to be installed on location ;
- Collection of various materials ;
- Creation of the installation.


- To interpret images, stories and poems ;
- To apply elements of pictorial description to the geometrical representation of space (prospective) ;
- To highlight constitutional aspects of the landscape and their modification in time, elements of map-making and aerial geography.


Understanding that the reading of a landscape through art can heighten our sensitivity towards the cultural patrimony of our own environment ; it can develop a sense of identity and belonging and, at the same time, make us ask ourselves about the future of our environment and the need to protect and safeguard it.

The need to work together to carry out a common project involves each person in a personal journey of research which corresponds to real educational needs and for this reason forms of disadvantage and discomfort can be overcome.

Rosella Paradisi, Teacher.Castiglione del Lago Italia

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