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Paysage et patrimoine

In Enghien Castle’s garden : the perspective
vendredi 28 novembre 2008
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To discover the difference between a drawing in plane and a drawing in perspective, through documentary research


By experimenting directly, the children discover the difference between a drawing in plane and a drawing in perspective


- To express oneself using plastic elements such as the point, the line, space, perspective.



Enghien Park

Work in partnership with the Environment Initiation Centre, a service set in the park of Enghien Château, in order to implement a two-way partnership between the teacher and the specialized guide. Each partner uses their specific skills to bring into class life the skills and notions tackled by the pupils during the activities.


The children are divided up into seven groups. Each group is given a different route to be followed in order to reach the seven-star pavilion. About twenty metres from the pavilion, each group produces a drawing of what they can see.


All the groups gather at the pavilion, they observe and draw the footpath they have just walked on.

They compare their drawings : elements linked to the notion of perspective, the way of rendering the third dimension on a 2-D support are brought out.


Thanks to documents ( old engravings, copy of paintings presenting characters in a garden ), the pupils discover the difficulties to master perspective, to proportion the characters accurately as compared to the place.

Eventually, the difference between a (2-D) drawing in plane and a (3-D) drawing in perspective is brought out. In the place visited there, the information given by the various drawing are different.



- To tackle the lunar and solar calendars.
- To make dioramas.

Pierre Laurens. Vanessa Debaere.Nathalie Dehont. Adeline Carlier. Haute Ecole roi Baudouin, Braine-le-Comte, Belgique


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