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Paysage et patrimoine

In my extraordinary garden
samedi 6 décembre 2008
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To make a book compiling all the individual works of the children of one class, on the theme of Charles Trenet’s song : “The Extraordinary Garden".


- To discover how to illustrate
- To work with a plastic artist : Bruno Mallart
- To enrich a catalogue of techniques


- To choose words to be articulated with pictures
- To make the best of Bruno Mallart’s devices as observed in his works.
- To explore techniques associating painting and photography.
- To organise productions into a collective book



- passe-partout cardboard (planks of the same size)
- White drawing paper (50 x 65 cm)
- Vinyl glue, pigments, charcoal crayons, pencils
- Charcoal crayons, pastels, lead pencils
- Cut-out elements : silhouettes, plants, animals, sentences from the text to illustrate



- Charles Trenet’s “Extraordinary garden"
- Bruno Mallart’s works


Before the sequence :

- Ask the children to collect documents on the theme of gardens : books, pictures, magazines, copies of artists’ works, collections of natural elements.


- Ask them to make up individual projects based on flowers, animals, in relation with the words from the song.
- Prepare paint by mixing vinyl glue and pigments.

The children

- prepare supports : drawing paper mounted on the passe-partout sheets
- paint all the backgrounds the same thinned down ochre
- put identical marks on each page, in order to bind the pictures together
- to draw the outlines of the trees and of the garden on the background
- to paint the plants and garden : in the painted surface, insert cut-out photographs and strips of text
- cut a piece of the vegetable, explore its taste, smell and texture ; select a detail with the viewfinder, then draw it as seen above



To make a book : make holes in the same place of every “page" and bind them with raffia.

With the pictures, make miniature gardens and people them with figures made out of Plasticine.


It will measure the children’s ability to

- list words and sentences chosen to illustrate a text
- make use of the techniques they have experimented


Martine Duveau École maternelle de l’Orangerie Bonnelles Yvelines France

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