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Paysage et patrimoine

Garden Alphabet Book
jeudi 30 octobre 2008
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To develop a plastic work on the theme of the garden, in the form of an alphabet book, or : the alphabet book as a way of presenting a visit in a garden.

Once we have observed flowers, vegetables, animals, made sketches, taken notes and pictures, what form can we give to all these traces ? Thanks to the alphabet book, we can list them and give them a visual, verbal and plastic form.


To develop a plastic work on the theme of the garden.



- To refine the children’s tactile, visual, auditory and olfactory perceptions.
- To enrich their vocabulary concerning kitchen gardens.
- To refine their aesthetic perception through contact with copies of artistic works.


- Elements brought back from a visit in a garden (collected natural elements, photographs.. )
- Pictures cut out of magazines
- Scissors, glue, paintbrushes, gouache
- Engraving material – brought by the artist- : dry points, a press, cylinders.
- Various types of paper (« cloth paper », drawing paper…)
- Copybook-sized Plexiglas sheets
- Letterpress ink of various colours


- Engravings by Lydia Lasota
- The King’s Kitchen Garden in Versailles


Before the sequence :

Visit the garden, bring back photographs, drawings, soil, fruit and vegetables – that have been bought there -, tape recordings, notes.

1) Observe, classify and describetthe traces of a visit in a garden :

Observe the photographs, drawings, and list the relevant words describing :

- the flowers
- the vegetables
- the herbs
- the soil (earth, gravel, seeds, flowerbeds, patches, plant-made patterns…)
- the animals (insects, snails, slugs, birds…)

2) Introduce alphabet book and artists’ works

Try to find how to use these lists of words, pictures and objects ; after letting the children speak, introduce

- old alphabet books or albums aimed at young people, like Alphabet by Kveta Pacovska or Alphabet gourmand (Gastronomy Alphabet) by Boris Tissot (Seuil Jeunesse).

- works by contemporary artists which illustrate the kitchen garden, such as 100 pages arrachées (100 torn off pages) by Sandrine Morsillo, or the pages engraved by Lydia Lasota.

The children will thus discover various ways of working pages where the letters are articulated with painted, cut out, photographed or engraved patterns.

3) Create alphabet books

Organise work-groups in order to create alphabet books from

- An alphabetical list of words illustrating the garden, that will be set out collectively : artichoke, beet…

- Photographic documents illustrating these words : pictures of artichokes, beets, carrots…

- Various devices : painting, collage, engraving – this latter enables the children to discover various techniques and to carry out one alphabet book per pupil, in contact with the plastic artist.

Engraving with Lasota, an engraver and plastic artist >Draw the illustration with a pencil on a drawing paper sheet ; put a copybook-size Plexiglas sheet on the drawing. Engrave the drawing which can be seen through the Plexiglas, with a dry point.

Cover the engraved Plexiglas sheet with letterpress ink ; put the drawing paper sheets on the inked plate, using as many sheets as there are children for each letter, then go to press.

Then, tear each sheet off its inked plate. Make a bound book out of all the printed pages.

Painting :

Paint the illustration, then the letter, trying to contrast vivid colours ; with a fine brush, paint the name of the object represented.


Cut illustrations out of nursery magazines ; stick down pictures centring the best views. Repaint some details of the pictures with gouache. Paint the background in a contrasting colour.

Then, copy again the alphabet letter and the illustrated word with a felt-tip pen or a fine brush ; for instance, for a pumpkin, the letter « P » and the other letters « umpkin ».



It will concern the child’s ability to follow instructions in order to

- Search for and classify words or illustrations
- Form lettres
- Structure space on their sheets
- Elaborate the various phases of an engraving

It will also concern the impact of the introduction of artists’ works onto the cultural improvement of the child.

Aline Rutily Conseillère pédagogique en Arts Visuels -Yvelines - France

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