Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

Writing workshops
samedi 29 novembre 2008
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To work with Chloe Hunzinger, a writer and plastic artist, within the framework of an artistic and cultural project : to write texts on the theme of the garden and to stage them.


- To produce words, sentences, texts related to a familiar theme.
- To enrich the range of techniques


- A Polaroïd camera
- Film (2 or 3 reels)
- Pocket note-books
- Pastels, watercolour pens



During a school outing in a garden, make lists of spontaneous words, sentences or texts illustrating the theme of the garden. Suggest the children should illustrate their short texts by staging their own picture in the garden.

Each child will choose the place, the centring of each picture, according to their text.

Back in class, work on the enlarged photocopies of the Polaroïd pictures.

Colour them with pastels and crayons.

Make the children type their texts on the computer, cut them out in strips and stick them under the corresponding pictures.


To make a collective anthology of poems and pictures on the theme of gardens.


The children will become aware of the fact that they can

- Elaborate a project in visual arts which includes the text’s plasticity
- Carry out an individual plastic composition where the text and the picture are linked through their meaning.


A Rutily Conseillère pédagogique Saint Germain- en -Laye (Yvelines) France


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