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Paysage et patrimoine

Vegetal writings
vendredi 28 novembre 2008
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- To elaborate a project which articulates plastic and lexical codes
- To write words from various natural elements (vegetal, mineral…)
- To work with nature as a prop and a material


Welcoming works of art and associating them to one’s repertory of sensorial languages


- Assessing, arguing (explaining one’s process, expressing oneself in the face of others’ productions, justifying one’s emotion, mode of expression, techniques, theme)



- Natural elements gathered or proposed
- Scissors
- Camera


- RUTILY, A., Matières et couleurs avec les 5/6 ans. Paris, Nathan, 1991.
- RUTILY, A., Esthétique et environnement. Paris, Nathan, 1994.
- Fatali Gallery. (en ligne) :
- Nils-Udo - Photos. (en ligne) :
- Ephemeral installations by Nils-Udo.
- "Écritures végétales" by Joël Paubel. (« Vegetal writings »)



- Weather ad time permitting, visit the garden and gather natural elements. If not, the teacher will bring flowers, plants, seeds twigs, straw, stones… (only gathered elements, nothing torn off !!)
- Suggest a brainstorming on the children’s associations on the word « garden ». Ask each of them to find in turns a word which evokes the garden.
- Note down the propositions on the board
- Present creations by Nils-Udo, who works with about and in nature. Have the pupils spot 3 natural elements, and one unusual or ma-manipulated element .
- Choose a natural prop and lay out the equipment, adapting it to the prop.
- Present and explain one’s process and choices.
- Take a picture of one’s production.


- Suggest the children to work in pairs in order to allow a exchange and a most stimulating creation for the word-production phase.
- Impose the type of writing (cursive or print) and the size
- Play on the permanent rather than the ephemeral character (for example by drying the elements before sticking them on an appropriate sheet of paper)



With older pupils create a small text and include words about the garden, illustrated with natural materials.


It checks the ability to write the chosen word

- With materials related to its meaning
- in a environment related to what it evokes
- in relation with artists who work « with » landscape.

Anne-Marie Monceau et Christelle Lison, students in Sciences of education, catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium.

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