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Paysage et patrimoine

In the vegetable garden, the " colour market"
vendredi 28 novembre 2008
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To carry out a colour chart and plastic creations based on the exploration of the colours of the garden vegetables.


- To use colour in a reasoned manner
- To elaborate a project
- To enrich one’s technical repertory


- Creating charts
- Experimenting colour mixings, contrasts, gradations.
- Elaborating the rules for the organisation of a project.


- Vegetables
- Magnifying lenses
- Brown wrapping paper (in 120 x 60 cm strips), plain scrap paper
- Gouache, brushes, pastels, paper plates.


Gérard Gasiorowski : painting



- Observe the vegetables, laid out side by side. Find out a classification by colours (the green ones, the orange ones…). Explore, with magnifying lenses, all the shades, describe them and render them with pastels in a chart, on the wrapping paper strips.
- Use the pastel chart to elaborate a first draft of the vegetable.
- Create a gouache chart, based on the mixing of colours.
- Carry out a second representation of the vegetable with gouache, trying to render contrasts.
- Exhibit the creations : charts and representations of the vegetables.


- Enrich the chart : explore the effect produced on colour by the introduction of some variables (fluid or thick colour, introduction of some white or black, variation of the props). Organise a “colour market�� ? based on the various strips of paper : the greens, the yellows…
- Present a reproduction of the paintings by Gérard Gasiorowski. Observe that the painter represents the same vegetal shapes but endlessly varies the colours.
- Work on the same shapes, with other shapes chosen from the charts.


It will check the pupil’s ability to

- Understand the infinity of the possibilities in a chart
- Identify Gérard Gasiorowski’s artistic process, and recognize it in other works from the same period.



These activities may be transpose to any other level

Françoise Jon Les Violettes primary school, Mareil-Marly Yvelines France

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