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Paysage et patrimoine

In Enghien Castle’s gardens :what the picture says
vendredi 28 novembre 2008
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To learn how to « read » a place, and to use pictures to pass on information.


- To acquire modes of expression and execution techniques.
- To decode the signs that enable to « read » a garden.


- To pass on various types of information thanks to pictures.
- To compare and organise information.


Enghien Park

Work in partnership with the Environment Initiation Centre, a service set in the park of Enghien Château, in order to implement a two-way partnership between the teacher and the specialized guide. Each partner uses their specific skills to bring into class life the skills and notions tackled by the pupils during the activities.


In small groups, the children discover the park : they are given an envelope including photographs of various spots in the park. The children have to identify these spots and locate them on a map. Then, bring in elements concerning a park’s or a garden’s design.

Next, the children are introduced to the project of making a photo report about the park, with a specific theme to deal with for each group : a historical trip thanks to various gardens, the legends about the park, the presence of water in the park, emotions and the five senses,… They do research, contact resort-people in order to succeed in their project.

What they have to do is to pass on various types of information thanks to pictures.


Education to the media, to the analysis of picture language.


- With elder children : Use animated pictures : the video
- With younger children : Use drawing rather than photos

Aurélie Duquenne, Delphine Decamps, Hannelore Demarch, Laurie Hanon, Marylène Hugé

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