Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

Installation in a greenhouse
dimanche 7 décembre 2008
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To take part in the biennial exhibition in Louvain-La-Neuve, by installing works in one of the university greenhouses.


- To analyse the specificities of an architecture linked to vegetation : the greenhouse.
- To experience group work in a limited amount of time.
- To research means appropriate to the place and underlining its qualities.


- Mastering observation drawing
- Developing various lexical and graphic techniques in order to conceive and achieve a group project.


Any technical field may be able to be dealt with in relation to the aims determined by the group.



In various research works previously done, the pupils have already become familiar with this field of contemporary art : the installation


1) Visiting the greenhouse with the person in charge.

- Acknowledgement of the limits to the possibilities of installation (a place in which researchers must be able to continue their work)
- Analysis of the characteristics of the architecture and its relation with vegetation.

the materials used give a great unity of vision : game of light, transparency, reflection…

The notion of mise en abîme is developed from the analysis of the structure of the place

Observation, spotting of the shades, the tones, the gradations, the hues…

Underlining the rhythmic perception of space .


2) In the workshop :

- Reduced time : 3 weeks of classes, and the lifelike conditions of participation in the project are two very stimulating elements :
- Development of techniques in group dynamics in order to underline quickly the most efficient creative ideas.
- Research of all materials helping in the process : various types of glass containers, various colourings, transparent props…
- Studying the gradation of hues from yellow to green.
- Efficiency end minimalism are the key-words.


3) Within the greenhouse environment :

- Sketching : studies of perspective, of details of the architecture, expression of the line, legibility.
- Installation
- Development of technical mastery : window colour washing, fastening system of the laboratory balloons, balance of shapes in space.
- The general viewing of the project and distribution of the responsibilities are the keys to the smooth unfolding of the activity.

4) During the exhibition :

Confrontation with a diversified audience : necessity of a lexical expression permitting to better understand the plastic creation.



Visit of the whole exhibition, explanation to pupils from other classes.



- With younger pupils : deal with notions of colours with a game based on the linking of colour samples and vegetation.
- With older pupils : create personal installations


- Becoming aware of the power of a place : the elements contained in it and its structure are the source of creative means.
- Group work requires the mastery of lexical and visual communication

Anne Dejaifve Secondary SchoolMartin V École d’Application U.C.L Option Art Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium

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