Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 01. Teaching materials > 05. All level > Contrasts

Paysage et patrimoine

mercredi 17 décembre 2008
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To observe a garden through its range of contrasts


- To observe a garden and highlight the contrasts which bring it its balance and harmony.
- To transfer notions of aesthetic analysis to the reading of a garden.


- To perceive, discover and grasp plastic language.
- To confront one’s work to others’ to collect opinions and express one’s views.
- To argue and qualify one’s opinion .


- A.4 thick cardboard.
- A rough plan of the garden
- Transparencies to put on the map of the garden.
- Markers to write on transparencies.
- Puns written on small pieces of cardboard.


Each student is given a word referring to a notion :

- empty, full
- bright, dark
- natural, controlled
- open, closed – hot, cold…

After a walk about all the garden, they spot on their transparencies one – or several – of the spaces that fit the notions they have been given.

The transparencies are compared :

- the transparencies that study the same notion.
- superposition of transparencies referring to opposite notions
- superposition of transparencies referring to the same spaces.


- To analyse contrasts in historical gardens : formal garden, landscape garden, Japanese garden
- To search the history of painting for works which contain gardens, take the given notions and use them to analyse a whole painting.


For the younger ones, contrasts can be made easier : horizontal, vertical, or curved, straight.

For the older ones, contrasts can be made more intricate to imply some research beforehand : botanical, native, exotic.

The contrasts can also be :

- tactile : rough / smooth
- olfactory : scentless / scented


The students should be aware of the balance and harmony of a garden through the well-thought-out mixture of contrasts.

Claire -Hélène Blanquet Association "Patrimoine à Roulettes" Belgique

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