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Paysage et patrimoine

In Enghien Castle’s gardens :the trees
mardi 16 décembre 2008
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To tackle the tree from sense exploration


- To identify a living organism’s functioning
- To read a trace of the past
- To express an emotion


- To summon one’s knowledge and savoir faire to elaborate contents
- To be careful about the message’s graphic and spelling presentation
- To identify a living organism’s functioning
- To adapt one’s production to format and support.


Enghien Park


Work in partnershisp with the Environment Initiation Centre, a service set in the park of Enghien Château, in order to implement a two-way partnership between the teacher and the specialized guide. Each partner uses their specific skills to bring into class life the skills and notions tackled by the pupils during the activities.


The children walk about freely in the park. They have a mirror at their disposal in order to observe the trees in various ways, having a particular view of the foliage for instance. They select a tree that touches them and try to find in it elements close their own personality.

Then, suggest the children should discover their tree with their senses : by touching, smelling it. Next, the children are given the possibility to decorate their tree so as to reinforce any feature. Then, they have their picture taken with their tree, choosing a pose that corresponds to them (surrounding the tree with one’s arms, or standing behind it, depending on one’s feelings ).

The next step will consist in making a collection including a research for each selected tree. Some elements are brought by the specialised animating guide, others are brought by each child’s personal research. The scientific, historical, geographical and aesthetic aspects will be tackled.

The collection will include : the collected pictures, the scientific characteristics specific to the tree, the reasons for its implantation from a historical and geographical point of view…

The teacher also suggests the children should invent a story about the tree’s life (legend, tale…) drawing their inspiration from the leaves, roots, branches and collected information, if they want to.



- Visit of an arboretum, a paper-recycling factory
- Seed sowing
- Herbarium making

Anne Deltenre , Emilie Marlier, Cathy Molle, Mélanie Siraut . Haute Ecole Roi Baudouin, Braine-le-Comte, Belgique

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