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Paysage et patrimoine

Anagrams in Theodoric’s Garden
mercredi 17 décembre 2008
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Create anagrams with the letters composing the names “Teodoricus ? and “Theodoricus ?.


- to imagine a funny situation rallying the children’s interest in the character of the Goth King Theodoric
- to enrich the vocabulary
- to develop the creative capacities in the linguistic field


- to use a dictionary
- to write short texts
- to take an interest in King Theodoric’s personality in a playful and poetic way


- Notebook “made ? using cardboard, sheets of paper of different colours, sheets of transparent paper bound by wool threads and coloured ribbons
- Cardboard letters composing the two forms of Theodoric’s name
- Dictionaries
- Pencils and felt-tip pens of different colours


- The Theodoric Park in Ravenna
- The Latin name of the King in its two Latin forms “Teodoricus ? and “Theodoricus ?
- Various documents giving out information about King Theodoric’s name


Hand out the letters to the children by groups of two and explain the instructions

Create anagrams using the letters of the King’s name. Make the children find orally a few examples then let them manage. Look for the larger combination making sense by using all the letters from the Latin name. Use the dictionary to identify new terms.

Share the created works

Each group suggests to the others their combinations, and then copies them out in their notebook adding other groups’ combinations.

Use the anagrams found by the pupils

Using the anagrams found by the pupils, create some acrostics, non-sense, epigrams, trying to underscore the King’s physical, psychological and political features.

Put into light the works in order to read and assess the texts produced.


Go to the National Museum of Ravenna. To confirm the written form of the King’s Latin name you can look at the fistulae plumbae (fragments of leaded pipes from the aqueduct, done up as new by the Goth King) and the tails of the coins of Theodoric’s time.


Capacity for the pupil :

- to be interested in the activity
- to use the dictionary
- to create linked up and meaningful texts

Anna Bolognesi Professeur d’Italien et d’Histoire Ravenna Italie

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