accueil site > 45. Archives > Paysage et patrimoine > 01. Teaching materials > 01. Nursery school
To create a frieze of garden-related words, with which some architectural elements of the school will be emphasized.
To paint flowers from direct observation
To observe graphics, figures, colours in the vegetal world.
Starting from the results of these observations, to work out a set of pictorial realisations.
To elaborate a costume on the theme of the kitchen garden in order to celebrate Carnival
To make sculptures to celebrate carnival at school, on the theme of the radio broadcast “Les grosses têtes" (“Bigheads")
Paint flowers from their direct observation.
To write texts on the theme of the garden and to stage them, associating them with the colour green.
To work out the project to mime and dance on the theme of garden animals ; to articulate this production with verbal and scientific document work.
Tell the scene of a story located in winter, like theater or movies for which manufactures the artificial snow, rain
To sculpt within the landscape : to use the site
As a setting up place As a material
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