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1-10 julio 2010 "Articolare il tema del vegetale con li arte del libro "
domenica 13 Febbraio 2011
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Nous sommes très privilégiés. Merci du fond du coeur du haut niveau du cours, de la qualité des formateurs et de l’accueil ! Maria Josepha Lopes Montes ES.

I was very satisfacted by your workshop. It’s was wonderful course, united the spiritual and practical works. It was very attractive, and very important for me, as Latvian. It’s really give me an instrument for future. Ilona Roja Lettonie

Je voudrais bien encore une fois et de tout mon cœur vous remercier de l’organisation du Workshop et de votre travail au cours de deux semaines. Nijolé Vitiene Lituanie.

Thanks a lot for the marvelous experience we have lived in Versailles. Your professionalism and your warmth have been fantastic. We hope to meet again soon Antonella Scibetta and Danièle Bousson Italie.

We want to thank you very much for the great program, exciting events, artistic activities, cultural visits and your patience with all of us. We have unforgettable experiences and memories for all our life!!! Hope to meet you at some other activities or courses. Slavka Pastelakova and Eva Pazinkova Slovaquie.

Thank you very much for all the wonderful things happened in Versailles. You are really special and I appreciate you very much. In fact you, Aline, Nathalie and Marlene will always have a honor place in my heart. I learned a lot from you. And in addition J’adore la France. I am absolutely happy, if I had the opportunity to meet you. Gianina Buruiana Roumanie.

I would never have thought to be able in making so many interesting products. I have been very surprised for my personal results. The new way of observing gardens has captured my sensations and improved my interest towards nature. I have realized there is a more interesting way to interact with art. This experience has been superb. Antonietta Scibetta Italie

We found really magic to relate words, pictures, flowers, perfumes, shapes, lines and colours. We couldn’t forget our full immersion in the gardens and in the colours of the pictures that you proposed. We hope to collaborate with you in the future about this nice subject. Sergio Hribar et Luisa Cheni Italie

We are very glad of the workshop. Now we follow to fill "The Book" with photos to remember all that days. I hope we can meet other times in Italy or somewhere in Europe. Luisa Cheni and Sergio Hribar Italie.

I found the workshop interesting for me from pedagogical point of view. First we gathered impressions during the first two days, and after that we applied our experience into practice. It was us who decided how to fulfill our practical task, using our imagination and inspiration of what we have already seen and felt Petya Dimova Bulgarie.

Participation in the workshop helped me to view the world in a different way and feel me surrounding nature and its beauty. It helped me to find my place and myself in it. I acquired an unique experience to perceive nature in an artistic way. Larisa Golubeva Lettonie.

Cet atelier m’a donné de nouvelles perspectives de travail, pour motiver mes apprenants Antonio Molina Abril Espagne

Cet atelier a été très bien organisé, soit du point de vue du traitement du thème, des méthodologies et des approches pédagogiques, soit du point de vue de l’expérience culturelle qui nous a été proposée. Rosaria Prospero Portugal.

Participation helps me understand many new things. I meet very interesting people. Workshop helps me in my work, because I stay on contact with workshop’s participants and organizers. Vilma Valaine Lettonie.

I really enjoyed this workshop Adina Vladu Roumanie

Je voudrais pouvoir continuer encore cette activité ! Angela Nicoara Roumanie.

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