Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

Sand gardens
vendredi 15 août 2008
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To Build « sand gardens » from a collection of various sands and soils.


To create an object in dimensions :

- as part of a project
- in relation with a theme

To learn to see one’s environment in its plastic characteristics.


Being able to :

- classify materials
- make choices
- take advantage of techniques to assemble, associate, juxtapose, fragment spaces.


- various boxes, crates (from the grocer’s for example)
- plastic or clay cups
- hollowed out logs of wood
- Glue
- Natural elements (dry vegetation, soils, sands, pebbles, stones….)


- Francis Hunzinger "Terres louangées"
- Marinette Cueco "Magnolia Grandiflora "



Before the session :

- Create a garden at school.
- Gather iconographical documents.

Lay out the garden in plots delineated by rims : a vegetable garden, a flower garden an herb garden.

Develop cultivations according to a precise plan : semi-regular rows, delineation of the alleys and of the space between plants.

1) Present the children with the works :

- In Francis Hunzinger’s work, children see :…plenty of gardens … multicoloured soils… tiling… collections, … mosaic…
- In Marinette Cueco’s work, children see :… leaves cut out in triangles, … a forest, … collections, … a tidying …


2) Create the « sand gardens » :

- Sort out, classify the natural elements by colour, by shape, après washing the stones and sifting the sands and soils.
- Make up sand gardens, soil gardens, by associating these elements in a box.

Present one’s creation, express oneself in front of the others.


Create miniature gardens installed in various objects : a chair, a toy, a shoe.


It will deal with the child’s ability to :

- Elaborate an achieve a project
- Take advantage of the works of the observed artists (constitution of a collection, use of the vegetal as a material…)

Present one’s work and analyse the work of others.


These activities my be transposed to any other level or age.

Yvette Puel. Henri Wallon Nursery school , Achères (Yvelines ) France

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