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Paysage et patrimoine

Writing workshops (1)
samedi 15 novembre 2008
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To write texts on the theme of the garden and to stage them, associating them with the colour green.


- To say words, sentences, texts, related to a familiar theme.
- To adapt the writing of those words, sentences, texts, to the constraints of the project’s specifications.


- « Script » and capital letters cut out of a collection of pictures taken from magazines illustrating the theme of plants.
- The first name by which the children are called
- Dried clovers and daisies
- White paper sheets, pastels and green ink
- Dried leaves, pieces of natural raffia and green felt-tip pens for all supports
- Green paper strips (50 cm x 3 cm), green felt-tip pens


Works by Sandrine Morsillo


Search for the words, sentences or texts that can be written on the theme of plants. Make the children justify their choices.

The children’s suggestions :

- To write one’s first name in order to show one’s taking part in the work’s production.
- To write a poem learnt on the theme of the “garden".
- To produce a sentence about life in a garden.
- List the various devices of plastic written expression.
- Reconstituting words using letters cut out of magazines
- Writing in capital letters for younger children and in cursive for elder ones, using a scripting tool.
- Define various projects.

1) (for 3-year-olds) : to reconstitute one’s first name using letter-labels cut out of magazines about the garden.

2) (for 4-year-olds) : to write one’s first name in block letters

- either on a tree leaf, that will later be hung up on a board ;

- or on a paper sheet, with green pastel that will later be covered with ink.

3 ) (for 5-year-olds) : to write one’s first name in cursive writing on a tree leaf.

The children carry out the project they have suggested individually.

4) : to choose a poem that will be reconstituted from labels cut out of magazines, which will be stuck to a background evoking the word “meadow".

5 ) : To produce a sentence on the general theme of the « garden ». To write it on a green paper strip in capital letters or in cursive writing, according to the children’s capacities.

To search for possibilities of staging it, associating it with the colour green.

To introduce copies of works, such as the copybook pages painted by Sandrine Morsillo, in which the plastic and the verbal codes are articulated.

Draw parallels with the children’s productions.



To make the children become aware of the fact that they can

- Use letters, words, sentences or texts as plastic elements in a composition.

- Produce an individual plastic composition where the text and the picture are linked through their meaning.

Blandine Tissier Alsace Nursery School Saint Germain -en- Laye Yvelines France

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