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Paysage et patrimoine

The garden in winter : white
vendredi 14 novembre 2008
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Tell the scene of a story located in winter, like theater or movies for which manufactures the artificial snow, rain


- To adjust one’s opinion to that of others’, depending on the result
- To experiment on and identify materials permitting to produce the expected effect


- To cooperate in a situation of collective production
- To make the most of the expressive resources of a material
- To make a 3-D composition that responds to a desire for expression





Before the sequence

Tell a story that takes place in winter and ask the children to try to illustrate its text with drawings, paintings, collages with white paint. Collect the pictures. Talk about theatre or cinema sets, for which snow and rain are artificially produced.

Widen the children’s culture through the presentation of works of artists who, like Nils-Udo, transform a real landscape by installing ephemeral sculptures in it.

How to prematurely transform a landscape – the school’s garden, for example-, so that it can be the winter set ?

Imagining what the garden will be like in winter.

The children observe and describe the garden as it is today.

Their assumption : the trees and flower bank would be covered with snow, the ground would be frozen.

How to “make" flower banks and trees covered with snow ?


1st project : to cover the flower bank with snow

List materials that imitate snow : white paint, cotton wool…

Get the children to compare their opinions and to test each suggestion.

Paint will not be accepted for environmental reasons.

The children cover the flower bank with sheets of paper. They are not satisfied with the result. The sheets of paper can be blown away. They eventually cover the flower bank with cotton, just letting a few flowers stick out.

2nd project : to make a snow-covered tree

The children’s suggestion :

Put a branch into a pot so that it can look like a tree (as you can’t take the leaves off a tree)

Look in the class for materials that can be stuck to the branches and that look like snow

Stick (with Scotch tape or glue), roll… all these various materials

Take photos of all these productions




- a garden planted with white flowers
- notebooks of white gardens (cf. Aline Rutily’s Carpet-Gardens and notebooks)

Work with Jean Dubuffet’s “Winter Garden" : grasp the painter’s plastic vocabulary and use it to cover tree stumps and branches



It will measure

- the awareness of the produced effects, of what the photos bring to the story
- the use of the catalogue of techniques

L’équipe de l’école maternelle Ampère St Germain en Laye (Yvelines ) France

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