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Paysage et patrimoine

A letter display
samedi 29 novembre 2008
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To create a frieze of garden-related words, with which some architectural elements of the school will be emphasized.


- To create a collective plastic work.
- To list words and shapes starting from vegetables growing in the garden.


- Naming and recognizing letters
- Refine the use of colours
- Using models, tracing and drawing letters


- Various fonts printed on paper (Arial, Futura…)
- A computer, a printer, a photocopier
- Basic materials, but only red (paper, glitter, small objects, paint, ink, felt, chalk, crayons…)
- Six rolls of green Kraft paper



Reproductions of alphabets or alphabet dictionaries.


Before the sequence : during several plastic arts sequences, work on the theme of colour : successively make red, blue, yellow, etc. colour charts, with various materials : paint, ink, felt, chalk, crayons, collages with paper, glitter, small objects…)

- First make a collective inventory of the vegetables, fruit and trees that grow in a garden. Each class chooses one theme (fruit for stage 1, vegetables for stage 2 and trees for stage 3). List them on the blackboard.

- Then hand round the photocopied fonts ; ask the children to select a plant –vegetable, fruit or tree- and to piece together its written name from letters he has chosen.

Start the project of displaying these words in the school.

Organize workshops to make “king size letters. Choose a colour : red. Each letter is made after choosing between various techniques practised before : painting, collage, colouring…

Then paste the words on stripes of 50 cm wide Kraft paper and put them together.

Then the whole group chooses where, inside our outside, the works will be displayed : walls of the school, window-frames, pillars… take photos of the “displayed letters.


In science lessons, get the children interested, in what grows in a garden.

Refine the distinction between “living and “non living.

Work on the distinction between “fruit and “vegetable.

Write with vegetal things : make letters with collected natural elements (flowers, stones, leaves, seeds…)


With the older children make projects to display realisations all over the school, varying the shapes and colours of the letters.



It will measure the children’s ability to

- Recognize words and the letters they are made of.
- Re-use the catalogue of techniques

Michel Valentin . Auguste Renoir Nursey School. Trappes Yvelines France

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