Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

dimanche 16 novembre 2008
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To paint flowers from direct observation


- For the children to observe the variety of shapes and flowers.
- To enlarge their vocabulary as regards the vegetal world, and particularly flowers.
- To enrich their graphic expression after observation.
- To get them acquainted with more works of art, more painters.
- To make them organize a 2-D composition mainly made of graphics that will enable them to express themselves.


- To say what one is doing, seeing, feeling, thinking.
- To draw while getting away from stereotypes.

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- one half sheet of drawing-paper per child
- pencils
- multi-coloured paper chalk
- ink : yellow and primary blue
- large paintbrushes or sponges


- Gustav Klimt : « Champ de coquelicots », « Jardin fleuri », « Le jardin de campagne avec tournesols », « Le pommier ». (“Poppy Field, “Blossoming Garden, “Country Garden With Sunflowers, Apple Tree)
- Claude Monet : “Jardin à Giverny (“Giverny Garden), Les iris,
- Vincent Van Gogh : Iris.
- Odilon Redon : Bouquet de fleurs (Bunch of flowers), Ophélie.
- S. W. Turner : Un jardin est une mer de fleurs. (A Garden is a Sea of Flowers)


- When children bring posies in class or when they visit the garden, ask them to observe and name flowers : their colours, shapes, the number of petals, the “heart" : pistil and stamen, the stem, the leaves. They learn their names, look for photographs to be displayed. They train themselves to represent them, on the white board, together, and comment on every attempt : does it look like its model or not ?

- Show the children reproductions of reference paintings and analyse these works with them : identification, description of the patterns, singling out used or missing colours, general impression, feelings, speculation about what is not or hardly seen…

- Get them to work on colours : to create palettes and coloured shapes by using different materials : chalk, paint, ink.

“Flower portraits"

Hand various flowers around the class : ask the children to draw them with pencils, then to colour them with multi-coloured paper chalk. The stems and leaves are coloured green. The children can choose to paint a “greenery and sky" background in blue and green : by rubbing the chalk flat on the paper, they coarsely cover the background around the flowers.

With large paintbrushes or sponges, they add touches of brighter colours in places.


List and use the various shapes of flowers found by the children and make a herbarium.

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It will measure the child’s capacity to :

- find interest in the works of the artists who have dealt with this theme
- reinvest the vocabulary they have acquired
- keep finding in nature a stock of new shapes

Blandine Tissier. Alsace Nursery School Saint-Germain-en-Laye Yvelines France

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